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The following forms and agreements are the most commonly used documents within OIC. Don’t see what you’re looking for? We can still help––please reach out to our office! Note that execution of agreements and forms may require a signature by an official authorized to sign for WVU/WVURC.

Intake Form

For WVU Innovators who are unsure whether their concept is ready for an Invention Disclosure or Copyright Disclosure submission, an Intake Form should be submitted to OIC. Submitting the online Intake Form accessible below provides a means to briefly communicate your innovation to OIC to help determine potential next steps.

Intake Form

Invention Disclosure

The Invention Disclosure is a record of a potentially patentable invention and notice of such to WVU. It is necessary to document the establishment and details of your invention so that the OIC can properly process it. It is best practice to submit a completed Invention Disclosure to the OIC as soon as the invention is conceived and prior to public disclosure to preserve all domestic and foreign patent filing rights.

Invention Disclosure Form (DOCX)

Copyright Disclosure

The Copyright Disclosure is a record of an original creative work for copyright registration consideration and notice of such to WVU. It is necessary to document the establishment and details of your work so that the OIC can properly process it. Copyright registration is recommended if you perceive your work to have monetary value and wish to prevent others from reproducing it. It is best practice to submit a completed Copyright Disclosure to the OIC once your completed work is fixed in at least one tangible form (e.g. white paper, website, etc…).

Copyright Disclosure Form (DOCX)

Inter-Institutional Agreement (IIA)

Inter-institutional agreements are useful where more than one institution owns an interest in an invention. The IIA provides terms that clarifies ownership of the invention, determines responsibilities for patenting and marketing the invention, and how expenses and income from the patent are to be shared.

Inter-Institutional Agreement Template (DOC)

Non-Disclosure Agreement (NDA)

A Non-Disclosure Agreement (also referred to as a Confidential Disclosure Agreement (CDA) or Proprietary Information Agreement (PIA)) - is a contract between at least two parties that outlines the information the parties intend to exchange (and protect from wider use and dissemination). Often an NDA is executed for parties to explore a further relationship. An NDA may be a unilateral agreement (one-way) where only one party is disclosing confidential or bilateral/multilateral (two-way or multi-party) where all the parties involved maybe disclosing confidential information. NDAs are important to preserve patent rights and to specify how the receiving party will protect and use such information. An NDA is needed when working with non-WVU persons in order to share nonpublic information. 

An NDA can be requested via the WVU Research Administration Portal (WRAP) at Once logged into WRAP, navigate to the "Agreements" tab, click the "Create Agreement" button, and then fill out and submit the form.

Material Transfer Agreement (MTA)

A Material Transfer Agreement (MTA) is used to transfer biological and other tangible research material(s) between two organizations, when the recipient intends to use it for his or her own research purposes. Providers of materials need to have written agreements to be sure that there is a common understanding of permitted uses of the materials and determination of the rights granted to each party. The MTA clarifies IP ownership, permitted uses of the material, publication of results, development of inventions and liability. 

An MTA can be requested via the WVU Research Administration Portal (WRAP). Once logged into WRAP, navigate to the "Agreements" tab, click the "Create Agreement" button, and then fill out and submit the form.

Technology Release Agreement (TRA)

If WVU/WVURC decides not to further pursue protection or commercialization of an Invention or Copyright WVURC will provide notice to the inventor(s)/creator(s). Upon request of the inventor(s)/creator(s), WVURC will provide an Invention Release Agreement and assign the rights to the inventor(s)/creator(s), subject to any previously granted rights (such as to the government).

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